The senior pastor of christian life church, makerere kavule for a full year now is continuing his fight against false prophets. In a revival that started in the first week of January 2016, and has continuity every night with thousands of people flowing to christian life church grounds 3 miles from the city center on Bombo road. 

    when Dr morris cellulo officially launched the P5 revival on the third day of the second month in 2016, the walls of the church were broken down as the service was going on because the people could not fit in. The revival has intestified such that even the extension made to the is not sufficient to contain the congregation.


This is now the second largest structure in Africa, with the largest structure found in Nigeria. It's located in Makerere kavule, 3 miles from the city center on  Bombo road.

   The power of the Holy Spirit is displayed every night in Christian life church. Amazing miracles of healing, deliverance, financial interventions and even ressurections are being witnessed. People are receiving miracles also through the live telecast of the night prayers on TOP radio and TOP tv all over the country to the northern parts of Tanzania.
   Pastor Jackson Senyonga has also being known for his boldness in exposing the "untoucheable."  These men and women have for along time terrorised most of the pastors in Uganda." Posing as men of God and calling themselves prophets of God have made many people hate anythings that concerns  God" as pastor Senyonga explains. They give people fetishes like, water taged as "Holy water", Rice (holy rice), seedling, wedding rings joining them with the dead,sand, salt,cursed money,photos of the dead, calenders,crucifix, bewitched envolopes, bracelets with ground human bones, and so many as will continue to be exposed in the presence of God.
       Watch out for breath taking testmonies from real people speaking out their own personal experience with evedence and without fear for their life.
