Problem statement; Multi-level Marketing (MLM)
Multi-Level Marketing has been perceived for people who are failures, who have nothing to do, and you lack career, guidance and also in most cases perceived as a business for scams. Many people who have engaged themselves in this kind of business have been disappointed and left naked, hopeless, laughed at, from all over the world they have negative effects only, a few have found a fortune to make Multilevel marketing a step career to change the current perception in the Market. Even when they speak the truth people don’t agree with them because of the past negative experiences what a pity to the motivated marketers. According to my research, interactions with the people who have done Multilevel marketing, I have noticed many things that people don’t perceive right and have a changed mindset to create a new environment out of the shell. These are some of my findings.
1. I have noticed that people who engage in it are actually wise and take opportunity except that the people rendering services are the ones that let them down.
Multi-Level Marketing has been perceived for people who are failures, who have nothing to do, and you lack career, guidance and also in most cases perceived as a business for scams. Many people who have engaged themselves in this kind of business have been disappointed and left naked, hopeless, laughed at, from all over the world they have negative effects only, a few have found a fortune to make Multilevel marketing a step career to change the current perception in the Market. Even when they speak the truth people don’t agree with them because of the past negative experiences what a pity to the motivated marketers. According to my research, interactions with the people who have done Multilevel marketing, I have noticed many things that people don’t perceive right and have a changed mindset to create a new environment out of the shell. These are some of my findings.
1. I have noticed that people who engage in it are actually wise and take opportunity except that the people rendering services are the ones that let them down.
2. I have also noticed talent and there is a Career growth, expansion, this introduces you to many people and collaborate and have a big community that can build the foundation and bring development, if people have money in the pockets, then they will help, the only problem and misconception is that Multi-level marketing is never seen as a career to grow better network for next business, company that would be a big deal.
3. The people who have no idea about multi-level marketing brush it off not knowing the logic of succeeding in it, the problem is that they do not know the matrix and it works, and they never listen, those who have gained much profits in this world they have networked but they did not know, networking is the best way to have a big community that can actually influence, you find companies brushing off multi-level marketers and also forget that their sales people are also doing the same, the only difference is that theirs is not well organized and there is no benefits, if someone referred you to a colleague and you make a sale, the company only recognizes the seller only and the colleague who referred is not known by the company and that is so sad. And that would be a biggest scam, the company recognizes only those they have given appointment letter and job offer. There must be a change of perceiving in this era if we want progress in life.
4. I have noticed that Multi-level Marketing is the easiest way to reach the community and design for them a product that can make them a fortune. However, the traditional companies have failed to understand that, they are selfish, and yield the profits, they are talked about in the newspapers how they have contributed to the Govt which is good but the community continue to leave in the poor state and things are not going well and there is not solution for them. We have faced this financial problem, even when big companies set up corporation minus reaching the people in the community to change their perception on finance it won’t do much, the Govt will benefit a lot from that taxes, but the people will remain in poverty until Heavens reaches down.
5. I have also found out that you work with passion, self-driven, and your own boss, you set your own goals, and achieve them. If you achieve them then it’s a blessing.
Bold Cashers comes with a different approach to the Market to change the misconception about Multi-level Marketing, How has this been done? Bold Cashers has connectivity of Finance and technology methodology, we have interconnected Financial services with Multilevel Marketing to make it FTM. This model enhances and empowers the community first to earn and also connect to one another through financial technology.
Bold Cashers comes with a different approach to the Market to change the misconception about Multi-level Marketing, How has this been done? Bold Cashers has connectivity of Finance and technology methodology, we have interconnected Financial services with Multilevel Marketing to make it FTM. This model enhances and empowers the community first to earn and also connect to one another through financial technology.
How do we do it? We pay more commissions to the members who have joined in turn of referrals and affiliate programs, our aim is to make the community get empowered with finances through have a great community around them, and this does not fade.
You simply create an account which you own, after creation of your account you get a wallet with a referral and affiliate link that you use to give to the members or community around you to make finances and this gains much than the Saccos, you pay subscription as way of making your account active and with this kind you have a lot of benefits, 1. You earn direct commissions 2. Indirect commissions and withdraws are also at low cost, you gain 60% of sending Money.
Yes, we save some of the Money that is retained in Distribution of commission and these savings are taken for stock trading, commercial papers, fixed deposits, Equity to generate more Revenue.
Yes, we save some of the Money that is retained in Distribution of commission and these savings are taken for stock trading, commercial papers, fixed deposits, Equity to generate more Revenue.
HOW WILL I BE SURE THAT IT WON’T CLOSE: Bold cashers has a vision of connecting the world through financial technology and a mission of changing lives through financial technology and has made enough research of how Multilevel marketing has failed. Bold Cashers has set up strategies and added innovations to the products, instead of traditional way of selling products, we are selling finance, and everyone needs finance in this ERA, we have created a platform for Finance Savings, Cash back through bonuses. We have more products and services being integrated, Banking, Bills payments and airtime which shall be at a discount available for all members who have active accounts. Often we refer people in the banks but we are never paid commission, Bold Cash is breaking that statusquo, by allowing people to use the services as they also earn, it must be two way, both of services must be happy the people or clients and the company also earns.
For that matter we have put all available options to make finance easy and empower people to earn and change their lives, you can bold cash through Mpesa, Mtn Uganda, airtel Uganda, through debit and credit Cards, and commissions are paid instantly. Those who want to save still the service is under way and will have interest to be paid as part of new innovation.
Bold Cashers, let’s connect, lets Bold Cash and change all our lives and the community.
Bold Cashers, let’s connect, lets Bold Cash and change all our lives and the community.
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