President Museveni briefed by P5 pastor senyonga on security Issues.

         After giving the state of the nation address on Wednesday, in which the president of Uganda vowed to personally get involved in ensuring the security of this nation and suggested imploring security camera's and drones on top of ensuring that every fire weapon is thumb registered.  The president was briefed by the P5 pastor Jackson Senyonga based on the evidence that he has gathered about the rampant kidnaps and killings in the country. He stretched out the activities of some people pretending to be church leaders in disguise to commit atrocities. These so called "prophets" and "men of God" have influenced some of the security organs in the police to the extent that those who seek justice from these compromised police sections are detained instead. He stretched out the facts that these religious criminals are operating private torture cells where they instill fear in their victims.

   After failing in 3 physical murder attempts pastor senyonga's life, all the effort has now been focused on switching off the media waves of the church owned radio and television. Through the Uganda communication commission, hash directives have been imposed on top media houses which prohibits people who come  out to testify from mentioning not only the names of these criminals but even the names of their towns. Instead of filing deformation cases, UCC has become the ultimate dictator with their hands standby on the switch button in case someone mentions the name,Kawaala, kawuuku, salama road, entebbe road, kubilli and is allowed to continue with their testimony. This is an abomination for a church service to conducted in terror of government delegated threats. This is war on religious freedom. If president Museveni is famous for instituting religious freedom in Uganda, when a government body begins to intimidate the church because of speaking the truth,and accepting full responsibility.

This is war is not against the church only but also against the president from within his own government.  
