Is Uganda's major problem Museveni or the 400 legislators pretending to grieve with ugandans.
I wish the Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni was a dictator. There is a difference between dictatorship and exercise of mandated authority. Majority of the people tag Museveni as a dictator and praise the Rwandan president Paul Kagame at same time. The difference between the two presidents is that the Paul Kagame exercises his presidential authority to the maximum whereas Museveni refrains and apply the highest level of tolerance to the point that almost the entire majority find it comfortable to heap all the blame from every section of the government on him.
It has come to a stage where the term government has been substituted for Museveni not only by the lay man on the streets but by also the so called intellectuals. How can a member of parliament address the public using phrases like "We have to force this government out of power" while still on the government payroll ? That statement should be rightful used by a government civil servant after resignation.

  The government is made up of all the three branches, Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive. All these bodies are paid from the taxes raised from the public to deliver. The legislature despite receiving the highest salary in the country which is 5 times more than what the president's salary has only served the country by playing the blame game. I believe the stagnation in the development and the welfare of the people has been caused by the members of parliament. They stand in the way of anything that is triggered towards helping the people by criticizing it and confusing the people. Don't buy words like opposition MPs and NRM MPs once you are a legislator how you became one is of minor importance, what matters now is that you represent every person in your constituency irrespective of the parties. Your main goal is to work for the good of the people.

  When the executive branch of government brought a suggestion to send legislators to their respective constituency to carry out a survey on how agriculture could be supported baring in mind that agriculture is the backbone of Uganda" The members of parliament rejected the suggestion claiming the funds provided to facilitate them was a bribe but later accepted money given to them to buy cars. The Ugandan parliament conduct their session like a drama club. They have divided themselves in two, those who point the finger and those who take the blame but later they meet behind the stage and share a drink.

 We all know that on the government budget schools receive funds for free education for all and yet in reality they don't function as they should. It is not right for an Mp to blame the executive for failures in the educational sector before reporting defaulters in your own constituency, Your duty is not only to sit in parliament to oppose or agree seeking media attention. It's not to loiter from district to district presenting face before every television pretending to grieve with the public when your account gets loaded with huge salaries every 28 days.
Go back to your people once the parliament session is over and understand their grievance.

 There is slight improvement in the judiciary except that fear is pulling them down. It's a natural thing for man to fear for his life and when the judiciary choose on most occasions to bend towards the violent public that's one indicator that proves that Museveni is not the dictator he is being portrayed to be. Take for instance in Rwanda what would be the best choice to make as a Judge, to stand against Kagame or the public yet in Uganda, oppose Museveni and live but take his side and you will end up like the late Abiliga.

The Executive has so many failures that even the blind do see them but what we need to know is that it has got different departments. We can combine the good and the bad and punish them together.
There are men and women who have served this nation with honor. If the good are not appreciated then no one will be inspired.

  The reason why state house is more visible as the problem of Uganda, because when we focus on suggesting that the president should go, it's simply saying there should be change in the state house and yet on the contrary state house is the most active department in government to the extent that other departments seems not to exist.
 There are groups of people from different parts of the country that have received funding directly from state house. Various markets have been upgraded, scholarship granted, dispute settled and emergency relief granted directly from state house.

 The right question to ask should not be why are you doing all that Mr president but what are you doing Prime minister? what are you doing minister of health? What are you doing minister of local governments? what are doing minister of works? What are you doing minister of education and sports? What are you doing minister of finance? What are you doing minister of internal affairs? Every person responsible in any government department must be answerable to any short coming in that department. The media always focusing on the wrong people to explain matters out of their jurisdiction is another dis service that the Ugandan media house has given to the nation.

  To change Uganda we must change strategy. If we chose to flow in the steps of Besigye, eminent failure awaits us. Besigye's fame was derived from the suffering of the people. Whenever the people were grieved and tortured then that was good news for Besigye. 
 The people should no more be used as a plat form for politicians to achieve their selfish goals. We need ensure that every unit in the government functions normally. If there's no medicine in hospitals what we need to know is who is responsible.

 If there is any ministry in charge of planning in Uganda, it must be changed instantly.
