Be aware of false prophets they will trick you into selling your soul.

Mathew 24:11, There are many false prophets that have gone out in the world. They are dangerous to everyone including the most anointed men of God. They will trick you into entering a demonic covenant with out you being aware and because God is the keeper of every Covenant, he will not be able to deliver you out of hell because of his nature of justice. He will grieve over you condition because of your right to choose. Watch out every believer if the devil tried to trick Jesus, Think about that.

 There are true men of God who the devil has tricked into helping them to spread the gospel and with all craftiness has tricked them into entering secret covenants for the exchange of their souls. when a man or woman of God is tricked into entering an evil covenant, it's not only his soul that is put danger but also the souls of those that follow him. "Paul said follow me as I follow Christ" The Spiritual things appear irrelevant in the physical world. Some times a covenant will come as a slogan and you continue confessing it, just as confession is made unto salvation, even so confession could be made unto destruction.

The posters, the bracelets, the signets, the stickers and the words inscribed on them are merely objects most of the time. They act as a point of contact or reflect being in agreement to something.  Just as men of God use these things to agree on a cause even false prophets use the same to lead their followers into evil covenants.

We need to know the way of the Lord rather than the image of the Lord because the devil can never walk in the ways of the Lord.

Jesus said my sheep no my voice. We know that God has not given us the Spirit of fear. If the spirit of fear operates in the church where you fellowship, If your pastor causes you fear him instead of respecting him, Get out of there, there's another spirit operating in that place.


 You must fill comfort, hope and a motivation to follow Christ not fear of what may happen to you fall into temptation.

David fell into more sins than Saul but God rejected Saul but always gave David another Chance do you know why?

  David knew the ways of the Lord but Saul always considered the way of man. Isaiah 55:8, my ways are not your ways says the Lord.

David desired  to make it right with God whenever he sinned while Saul was concerned about maintaining his image before men.
