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Pastor Benny Hinn 

Deception is a strong demon, and I need to warn every body here. What the bible says stick with it, don't be taken by some new doctrine, new truth. The truth is already established, God's word is truth, obey the word of God and forget what people say to you.

  I want to begin by sharing this wonderful scripture in Mathew 24:4&5, The Lord says; These are coming from the lips of the master, the highest authority in heaven and earth. Verse 4 says; And Jesus answered and said unto them that, take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ ; and shall deceive many. The same chapter verse 11 and verse 24 declares; And many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many. and then in verse 24, And there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much  that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Here the Lord warns us four times against deception.  Four times in one chapter we are warned aginst deception. Any one who shrugs off that warning or treats it lightly, is doing it at the risk of his own soul. The master, the Lord God of heaven warns 4 times in one chapter against deception and any one who takes this lightly or shrugs it off  unimportant, does it at the risk of his soul, we must take heed, we must pay attention.

   The greatest danger in these end times is not sickness, it's not poverty, it's not even persecution, it's DECEPTION. I want every one to pay attention here because this is more important than physical healing. I will be praying for the sick shortly but I believe this is more important that healing, every Christian must understand this, The danger today is not sickness, the danger today is not poverty, the danger today is deception.
Many are being deceived in this world. Many are being deceived in this very country. And if any one says it can not happen, that person is deceived already because the Lord God says it can. If any person says I can not be deceived that person is deceived already. For Jesus warns us about deception.

   In recent days and recent times we have heard about signs and wonders. there has been an explosion of signs and wonders. Though some have been biblical but signs and wonders do not establish the truth because TRUTH is already established. signs and wonders do not establish fact because fact is already established. The word of God is established, the truth of the word of God is established already., Signs and wonders do not establish God's WORD, God's word is already established.
The bible tells us in John 17:17, Psalms 119 :89, that truth is already established. We do not need signs and wonders to establish truth, truth is already determined. In these scriptures we find that truth is already established.

   This is very important, Signs and wonders can be dangerous because signs and wonders can be a lie. 2 Thessalonian 2: 9-11, tells us that signs and wonders will be used as a lie to deceive men and women. Therefore signs and wonders do not establish the truth actually signs and wonders can establish a lie and make people believe a lie. This is going to happen one day. verse 9 say; Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.
verse 10, And with all deceivableness  of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved.
Signs, wonders, power it's all a lie.The reason they were deceived is because they did not receive the truth but the accepted the lie and were deceived.
verse 11 says; And for this cause God shall God send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.  Strong delusion means God is going to give them up, strong delusion that they shall believe lie.
Ladies and gentlemen there is such a thing like lying signs, lying wonders; They come to deceive who?  Those who do not know the truth.
The bible says in John 8:32, And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Truth must be received before we are delivered, before we experience liberty. Deception is a real danger today, so great.

  In 1972 I joined a church in Canada, 3000 young people in that church. it was the Jesus movement, I was one of the kids that were swept into that move of God. It was the days when people came out of drugs, hippies, they were called. I too had long hair when I got saved , i just wasn't doing drugs.  I was saved February 14, 7:50  in the morning, George Vania High school, 1972. That's when I got saved. I began attending a church called the Clerical, they gave it a name, the clerical of Rome, where the Christians were hiding in caves and in the grave yards of Rome. Where they would bury the saints. 3000 people with long hair, we started worshiping God, the power of God was awesome. I listened to some of the greatest bible teachers those days as a young man. A great move of God.
One day a man came in and begun to teach heresies. He begun to teach was in those days called mashed potatoes. That teaching they called mashed potatoes had to do with submission, and they went too far teaching submission. Then the great church of 3000 was destroyed and I left, thousands

of people left. That's when I begun to be aware of Katherine Kulhman's ministry and I begun to move from Pittsburg to Toronto. But the church was great when God was moving until this teaching came in on submission. It became so bad that you could not have breakfast until someone prophesied what you should eat. It was so bad, they would prophesy who you marry or not marry. The pastor and his wife wanted to control the people's minds. Pastor's wife told me not go to Katherine Kulhman's meetings, she said 'why do you go to this woman when we have everything here. And then they begun controlling me not to go out side the church, that's called witch craft. Control is witch craft.
We have been called to liberty the bible says. Be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
So I left that Church and that church became heretical, deception set in and destroyed good people. Sweet people, godly people were destroyed.


   Deception my brother is the most destructive force on earth. The devil came to deceive men and women. So even to day we are seeing deception all around us. One man can control thousands of people saying Jesus was coming last Saturday at 6 pm, and mess up their lives possibly before eternity, all because he has money.
Deception is a strong demon, and I need to warn every body here. stick to what the bible says. If I say something and the bible says something else, I am wrong because the bible is always right. The bible is always right don't worry what people always say. Make sure you obey what the bible says.
If someone says something, check it with the bible, is it in the bible or someone thinks it's in the bible. If it's not in the scriptures don't you dare believe it.

